Sunny Days Ahead!

In the book Green Transport, you can read about the use of #alternative forms of energy for transport. These are alternatives for the use of #traditional #fossil #fuels. #Solar #Energy is one viable alternative, especially in #tropical countries that receive plenty of sunlight. Solar Energy refers to the #power that is obtained from the Sun’s rays. Sunlight is converted into #electricity directly by using photovoltaics (PV) or by the indirect method of concentrating solar power (CSP).

To the delight of technology lovers all over the world, several types of solar-powered vehicles are available to enable sustainable travel.

Most solar vehicles run using PV cells. All these vehicles are designed for capturing plenty of solar energy and provide optimal performance using solar energy. Here are some vehicles with fascinating, futuristic designs.


A car called Tokai Challenger. Image Courtesy

A motor cycle that runs on solar power


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A boat that runs on solar power

Solar boatImage courtesy

An auto-rickshaw that runs on solar energy

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There are airplanes that run on solar power.  Solar Impulse is currently on it’s 16th trip around the Earth.

Solar impulse_airplane_background_1200_630Image Courtesy

You can track the latest movements of Solar Impulse on their website.

And not to forget the ‘king’ of all solar powered vehicle The Power of One. This powerful car can run on ice and night. It can also travel at night, and below freezing temperatures. In a world record drive, the car traveled for 46 days to reach the Arctic Circle!



If you are fascinated with solar powered vehicles, consider following World Solar Challenge in Australia. You can build your solar-powered car to join this race across Australia.

800px-Australia_ggc_routeImage courtesy: Wikipedia

For the less adventurous, there is always a solar bus we can ride to and back from our errands and travels. That too adds up substantially in our attempts to reduce carbon emissions. In all the many ways possible, we each can make a choice that contributes to keeping the Earth healthy. We can choose alternatives to fossil fuels with every opportunity we get. Keeping #Sun in the #mind, and opening our #hearts for the well -being of the #Earth under our feet, we can enjoy the bounty of  nature.

Enjoy the summer!