Thank you for stopping by my art page. You will find my art samples in this page. I draw sacred art and botanical illustrations. These days I am trying out folk art. Please visit the page for regular updates. Thank you so much for your encouragement and support!
All art (C) Rani Iyer. Please contact me if you wish to use or need any art work. Thank you!
Sacred Art
Each sacred art is filled with the seed letter of abundance in Shreem written in Sanskrit script. I have an entire folder full of these samples. It takes a while to create these art samples.
2014 art display at WSU
2013 Art display at Tri-cities
Here are some samples of art that was exhibited at WSU Tri-cities as a part of Regional Women exhibit.
More samples of Sacred Art. Made with ink on paper.
Botanical / Folk Art
I drew the art presented here with ball point pen and colored them with ball point pen. These drawings were created in October 2018 as a part of #Inktober.
If you want to hone your skills, draw everyday. Stay inspired. Join a group that encourages you to draw and share everyday or as frequently as you can.